Achieving the best results is only possible through unity

After a well-deserved vacation, the ASBIS team is fully recharged and ready to tackle new challenges. Each and every one of our regional subsidiaries is eagerly preparing for the upcoming business season, ready to deliver top-notch results, but firstly, setting goals and objectives for the rest of the year.

ASBIS Romania held an inspiring team-building event which brought the team closer together than ever before. During the event, the team members collaborated to make detailed plans for the rest of the year, determined to be in their best and most productive form. The event was held in celebration of ASBIS Romania's 25th anniversary, a milestone that was honoured with a special project. The ASBIS Romania team worked together on an impressive 2.5 x 5-meter canvas project that was a testament to their teamwork and collaboration. With 0% competition and 100% collaboration, the team created a masterpiece that perfectly captured the spirit of the ASBIS family.

This fall, the artwork will be displayed in the ASBIS Romania office, inspiring everyone who sees it to strive for excellence and work together towards a common goal. The ASBIS team is confident that nothing can hold them back as they work together to break records, exceed expectations, and achieve greatness. When we come together in unity, there is nothing that we cannot achieve. The ASBIS family is a shining example of what can be accomplished by working together towards a shared vision.