Since 2021 ASBIS SK has launched the social impact project aimed at boosting biodiversity. As part of this project, the company has been hosting honeybee colonies. The ASBIS Slovakian team, in collaboration with beekeeper specialists from the local Centre of Environmental and Ethical Education Zivica, organizes learning sessions for employees and their children. These sessions focus on educating participants about the vital role of bees, pollination, and honey production.
During the most recent event, held in the last week of July, an impressive 115 kilograms of honey was collected. This represents a significant increase from the 60 kilograms collected the previous year, and an even more substantial leap from the 25 kilograms collected in the inaugural year of the project. This steady growth is a testament to the success of the initiative.
By creating a favorable environment for bees to thrive, ASBIS is contributing to the overall health of local ecosystems, as well as the growth of plants and food production. This initiative is a powerful example of the positive impact that corporate social responsibility efforts can have on the environment and communities.